
Satoshi Nakamoto, the enigmatic entity responsible for the entire cryptocurrency and digital asset space. A name that will only grow more relevant as the digital economy unfolds. $SATOSHI is the first in a new category of digital assets - a legacy token, made to commemorate this paradigm shifting narrative.

token image

Available on ETH and BASE, with plans to expand to every EVM and Cosmos chain through Axelar's Interchain Token Service

$SATOSHI contract addresses

ETH: 0xcbf4d5efa82e32a9187385480a7c74cb062b956c

BASE: 0x45e7EAEdb8E3360f850c963c5419a5236e451217

Global Phenomenon

Click anywhere on the collage to read different articles about Satoshi Nakamoto

Click to Read the Medium

Medium case image

Check out the Satoshi Genesis Block Project

Satoshi Genesis Block Project case image

We are all satoshi




  • Total supply:
  • Tax
  • Liquidity
  • Contract
  • 2,100,000 SATOSHI
  • 0/0 TAX
  • Burned